September 29th, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Workshop co-organized by the AFD (Agence française de développement) and Santé mondiale 2030
Open to all
Created to fight tuberculosis, AIDS and malaria, the Global Fund has gradually integrated “health systems strengthening” into one of its four strategic objectives, and now estimates that it devotes more than a quarter of its investments to building “resilient and sustainable health systems”.
What are the challenges it faces in this transformation, particularly in West and Central Africa where health systems are particularly fragile? How is the Global Fund’s approach perceived, understood and integrated by other actors? How can it strength its effectiveness and its collaboration with the different partners?
This workshop will be an opportunity to present the results of a study conducted on the subject by sociologist Anne Bekelynck within the framework of an AFD / Santé mondiale 2030 partnership, but also to discuss the recommendations proposed by Santé mondiale 2030, and to participate in the global reflection on the development of next strategy of the Global Fund.
Program :
– Introduction
By Jean-François Delfraissy (President of Santé mondiale 2030) and Virginie Leroy (Director of the Demographic and Social Transition Department at the AFD).
– Presentation of the results of the study “Global Fund and Health Systems Strengthening“.
By Anne Bekelynck (Sociologist)
– Presentation of the recommendations of the think tank Santé mondiale 2030
By Marie-Paule Kieny (Member and Treasurer of Santé mondiale 2030)
– Round Table 1: What are the operational paths to strengthen the effectiveness of Global Fund financing for health systems strengthening at the country level?
Moderated by Christophe Paquet (Head of the Health and Social Protection Division at AFD).
- Caty Fall (Regional Director for West and Central Africa, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria)
- Ida Hakizinka (Executive Director, AIDSPAN)
- Eric Fleutelot (Technical Director of the “Major pandemics” unit of Expertise France’s Health Department)
- Simon Kabore (Executive Director of the NGO Access to Essential Medicines Network (RAME))
– Round table 2: What visions for the Global Fund of tomorrow? What place for health systems strengthening in the Global Fund’s new strategy?
Moderated by Paul Benkimoun (member of Santé mondiale 2030)
- Mark Edington (Director of the Grants Department, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria)
- Agnès Soucat (Director of the Governance and Financing of Health Systems Department at the World Health Organization)
- Frédéric Depétris (Deputy Director of Sustainable Development, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, France)
– Conclusion
By Stéphanie Seydoux (Ambassador for Global Health)