Dear all,
Like every month, discover our press review on global health by following this link:
If the Covid-19 pandemic obviously remains the central theme of this press review, we have chosen to approach it from two complementary angles.
Firstly, we propose a series of articles on governance issues, as this is one of our major themes of reflection for the year 2020. For example, about the future of multilateralism (interview with Rony Brauman), the WHO (Auriane Guilbauld), the role of scientific councils (Laetitia Atlani-Duault), the interest of health promotion approaches (Linda Cambon, François Alla, Valéry Ridde), the Brazilian particularities of the response to the crisis or the importance and specificities of European negotiations in the Covid-19 times.
Still on governance, and in the framework of a Global Health 2030 / Terra Nova partnership, we are pleased to share with you a note by Olivier Nay: “Should we save Private WHO ?” (in french). This very comprehensive analysis proposes six areas of work to reinvent WHO: a strengthened authority in emergency contexts, more financial autonomy, an internal reorganization aimed at restoring its Director General’s authority and efficiency, greater inclusion of scientific communities, more active participation of non-state organizations in the governance of the organisation and, finally, integration of global health into the challenges of biodiversity and climate.
We then put forward a selection of articles related to the social aspects of the Covid epidemic. Two articles are dedicated to the issue of social inequalities, which are not only revealed, but even aggravated by the epidemic (a podcast from France Culture on the social determinants of health and the challenges of social epidemiology, and an article by Ryoa Chung on social injustices). Two articles then question the access of the poorest to a future vaccine (an article by Kai Kupferschmidt for the journal “Science”, and an article by Jean-Francois Alesandrini, Benjamin Coriat and Stéphanie Leyronas pointing out the risks linked to the commodification of health in the world). This selection also addresses the specific impact of Covid on women (with the launch of a website “Gender and Covid”), on child malnutrition, on community resilience, on cross-border populations or on prisoners.
We hope that this selection of articles will allow you to have a clearer vision of global health issues…
We would also like to take this opportunity to tell you that, if the health situation allows it, and in partnership with the AFD (Agence Française de Développement), we will be organising a workshop on health systems strengthening (HSS) in West and Central Africa, on Tuesday 29 September next (afternoon), at the Salle Mistral in Paris. There will be a more specific discussion on the Global Fund’s approach to HSS, we will come back to you with a more detailed program in due course.