Dear all,
Like every month, discover our press review on global health, available as usual by clicking on this link:
As you know, we alternate thematic press reviews (the “One health” approach and Europe were, for example, our last two subjects) and general press reviews, such as the one we are proposing for February.
Among the international events that have marked the last few weeks, there is of course the election of Joe Biden at the head of the United States: what impact would this change in the White House have on global health? By removing the “global gag rule” that prevented NGOs funded by the US government from working on abortion-related projects, the new president is making a strong symbolic gesture. We have also selected for you an absolutely edifying interview with Tony Fauci, who recounts his experience as advisor to Donald Trump and several articles on the geopolitical impact of this election and on the conditions for the return of the United States to the WHO.
The WHO has also been the subject of many reflections in recent weeks, about the launch of a “WHO Foundation” in charge for mobilising new funding, about the possible reform of the UN organisation (Olivier Nay proposes some concrete avenues), or about the presentation of the intermediate results of the High Level Panel responsible for evaluating the international response to the Covid.
We are sharing with you a WHO report entitled “Weathering the storm” which summarises the funding dedicated to human resources for health over the period 2000-2018 and points out the risks linked to the COVID crisis.
Finally, we have obviously chosen for you a few articles on the vaccine, which is the subject of obvious geopolitical tensions. While several articles point to the rise of anti-vaccine scepticism in Africa, we have also selected for you a few articles on the issues of accessibility in middle-income countries, on the importance of the names given to the different variants, and on the notion of common public good.
We hope that this selection, which, as every month, brings together press articles and scientific articles, will give you a clearer view of global health issues…