Dear all,
Please discover our monthly press review on global health here :
This month the review addresses the notion of health as a global public good. If the notion is widely used, what it exactly means is often not so clear.
We first look back at its theoretical foundations in political economy, and suggest few other articles in which elements of definition, conceptual issues raised by this notion in health policy and development, and challenges triggered by its operationalization in global health governance are addressed.
This concept appears particularly relevant in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis. We point to articles addressing Covid-19 vaccines issues through this lens. Their authors highlight discrepancies between the political and institutional discourses promoting vaccines as global public goods and the observed realities regarding their production and distribution.
Finally, some articles expand this notion to pharmaceutical products as a whole, or mobilize it for the issue of insulin.
We hope that this selection, which combines press articles and scientific articles, will provide you with useful insights into global health issues.