Frédéric Goyet is a doctor, specialist in public health, currently HIV-STI-Hepatitis and sexual health Referent of the ARS Ile de France.
He was then Policy Advisor to the Director of External Relations of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Geneva, where he was more specifically in charge of monitoring the international processes that could affect the activity, or resources, of the Global Fund (G8, G20, post-2015 agenda, etc.), from 2014 to 2017.
Frédéric began his career as a doctor in rural Ethiopia, Sudan and Cambodia for humanitarian organizations. In France, he managed a network of health professionals involved in the care of people living with HIV. He joined the Ministry of Health in 1996, and worked as a departmental medical inspector, in charge of HIV/AIDS prevention and care programmes, care for prisoners and the most vulnerable populations.
From 2001 to 2007, then from 2011 to 2012, he was seconded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as advisor for HIV/AIDS and then as head of the health office at the Directorate General for Globalization. From 2008 to 2010, he was seconded to the European Commission, Directorate for Development Cooperation, as advisor for HIV/AIDS, access to medicines and relations with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. From 2012 to 2014, he was advisor for the international strategy of the director of GIP ESTHER, a French public organization for bilateral cooperation in the field of HIV/AIDS and health, which operates mainly through hospital partnerships.