Since January the 4th 2017, Jean-François Delfraissy is the President of the national ethics committee for life science and health (CCNE) of France.
From 2005 to 2016, he was the director of the National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS). From 2008 to 2017, he led the Immunology, Inflammation, Infectiology and Microbiology Institute of the Inserm-AVIESAN.
He is the President of the local ethics commmittee for biomedical researches and public health of Bicêtre Paris-Sud Hospital (AP-HP) and a professor emeritus at the GH Paris-Sud University.
Head of the Department of Internal Medicine at the CHU Paris-Sud (AP-HP) (1996-2013), Professor Delfraissy led several research programmes and therapeutic trials of the ANRS. He published more than 450 articles on immunology, internal medicine and HIV infection. He arranged many international scientific congresses and chaired several international Scientific Board on HIV/AIDS.
Professor Delfraissy has long been involved in operational research questions in countries with limited resources. He led the ESTHER Programme in Cambodge and the clinical research of the ANRS Site “Asie du Sud Est”. He also co-chaired the scientific conference IAS/ANRS on HIV Science on July 2017 in Paris.
In July 2014, he set up and coordinated the research on Ebola through the multidisciplinary network Inserm-Aviesan. The same year, he was appointed by the Prime Minister “Inter-Ministerial coordinator of all the international and national operations responding to Ebola pandemy”. He was the First President of Sidaction’s Scientific Board and he still is a member of the Executive Board.
He is a member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Body (STAC) of WHO on HIV, Hepatitis, Ebola and Zika, and of the Scientific Board of UNAIDS. In 2010, he was appointed a the French honour ” Officier de l’ordre national de la Légion d’honneur” in 2010.
From March 11th 2020 to July 31st 2022, he chaired the Covid-19 scientific board of France.